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I am a future teacher who values whimsy in the classroom!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Teach Like Your Hair's on Fire Chapter 10

Chapter 10 – Put Me In Coach
While students are required to participate in physical education, they often do not get the time necessary allotted to do so. This can be for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the teachers do not want to take the class to do PE. Other times, the class doesn’t go to PE because they are being punished for misbehavior – either as a class or even just an individual’s actions. Whatever the reason, neglecting physical education is a grave mistake.
Students need to be exposed to physical activity, and also to the values that come along with team sports and games. In order to be effective, physical education must be executed correctly. Rafe explains that his main goals when it comes to PE are as follows:
1. The students will get daily exercise.
2. The students will learn the importance of proper fundamentals.
3. The students will exhibit outstanding sportsmanship.
4. The students will learn the value of teamwork.
5. The students will apply the lessons they learn from sports in other areas of their lives.

            He achieves these goals by selecting quality activities, allowing students to practice independently, keeping score, records and statistics, and even taking his classes to watch live sporting events.

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