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I am a future teacher who values whimsy in the classroom!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Teach Like Your Hair's On Fire - Chapter 12

Chapter 12 – Think For Yourself
This chapter is all about problem solving. Rafe explains that he comes to school at 6:30 a.m. every day to teach willing students about how to problem solve better, before class even begins. His goal is to help them realize that problems are not solved with pencil and paper – they must understand the challenge in front of them.
He passes out a piece of paper that explains the steps for solving a problem, in outline form. He then makes sure the students can recite these steps back to him. The steps include understanding the problem, choosing an appropriate strategy, solving the problem, and analyzing.
Rafe wants to get away from telling students to “use their heads” or “read problems again”. He believes it is very important to give them the skills to solve any kind of problem – be it on a math test or in real life.
The methods he lays out can be helpful for young students and adults alike, as math is a subject that is difficult for many to truly grasp. He also mentions a valuable resource (www.mathstories.com) which is useful for finding challenging and interesting word problems.
He ends the chapter with a beautiful story about how a gang once vandalized his classroom while the students were on break, and he was across the country. One little girl was at school for orchestra practice when she saw what had happened, and she took it upon herself to call up her classmates, divide up the work, and fix up the classroom. She attributed this idea to the problem solving she had learned in Rafe’s class. 

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