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I am a future teacher who values whimsy in the classroom!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Outfits: January 2017

I've been trying to take pictures of my outfits, at least 3 days out of each week. That way, I can look back and see things I really liked, and wear them again while teaching! I've been forgetting to do it a lot, and also not doing my weekend outfits, so sadly I've missed out on photographing some pretty cute clothes. But here is a look at the January outfits I remembered to do, and posted on my Whimsical Educator Instagram:

I've also been trying to go for a theme each week. As you can see, the first week I wore mostly black, gray, and dusty pink! The second week I wore lots of pairs of jeans. I generally don't like to wear wants or jackets, but it's been unusually cold and rainy for wear I live lately, so I've been layering way more than usual!

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