About Me

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I am a future teacher who values whimsy in the classroom!

Monday, February 6, 2017


This year, I made 40 new years resolutions. I view them occasionally in order to re-commit and make sure I'm taking small steps to achieve them! So far, I've started working on a few of them, but I have a long way to go. I thought I'd share them here for accountability! 


​General, Everyday Goals:
  • Open my windows/ go outside and get sunshine and fresh air.
  • Always have music on and always have a book I’m currently reading.
  • Make sure my favorite people know how much I love them everyday.
  • Find the fun in learning and do it because I want to.
  • Create more: write, scrapbook, craft, plan.
  • Eat smart and drink lots of water. Don’t eat until full. Exercise.

To Do:
  1. Learn basic cooking skills.
  2. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and sleep at least 8 hours a night, w/o phone. Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day.
  3. Find a way to exercise that I enjoy, create personal Instagram for my eyes only to track fitness.
  4. Read the Bible, find online church service or prayer group/bible study.
  5. Read more, and read classics and nonfiction. Read/watch lighthearted stories.
  6. Write more (letters, poems, journal, stories) Set aside 30 minutes every day to write.
  7. Take walks and go outside more, eat meals outside, feed ducks, go on picnics.
  8. Create: scrapbook, craft, do projects.
  9. Come up with a better morning routine - Daily devotionals/meditation/exercise.
  10. Use planner, make lists. Create vision board and/or 5-year-plan.
  11. Clean more, keep space neat and organized, go through closet, sanitize dorm.
  12. Dress up for all holidays and go out - make every day a special occasion.
  13. Text uplifting messages and give random compliments.
  14. Perfect my hair and makeup, learn to highlight/contour, find a go-to hairstyle .
  15. Take more and better pictures.
  16. Watch School of Life videos and TED Talks, take free online courses, learn for fun, and make note of one thing I’ve learned each day.
  17. Listen to music more - make good mood playlist and find new artists.
  18. Take self defense class and learn CPR/The Heimlich.
  19. Attend plays/concerts/book signings/new restaurants/wine tasting.
  20. Make a better resume and/or website, learn to write professional emails and “thank you” notes.
  21. Laugh/smile often, have good posture, radiate positivity; good vibes.
  22. Keep a dream journal, and a jar of good memories throughout the year.
  23. Be more open and touchy-feely, say “hello” to more people, make new friends.
  24. Be more vulnerable with those I’m close to + eye contact.
  25. Eliminate negativity - don’t look up exes or people I don’t like on social media, don’t compare myself to others, don’t make harsh judgements, don’t be bitter.
  26. Do little things like volunteer, make cards for troops/children in hospital, make desserts for friends/coworkers/neighbors “just because” etc.
  27. Explore LA before I graduate and leave.
  28. Watch TV/Youtube less, go on social media and the Internet less.
  29. Watch/read the news more, try to understand different political opinions, learn about other religions and cultures, learn more about feminism, stand up for causes.
  30. Drink more tea, take more baths, watch the sunrise/sunset more.
  31. Reach out to and visit family more, find out as much as possible about Grandma/Mom’s lives, advice.
  32. Research local events and attend anything that sounds fun.
  33. Do or say at least one kind thing each day, be empathetic and try to consider why someone thinks or does something.
  34. Control anxiety - learn basics of meditation, memorize a poem to recite to self.
  35. Have better time management, don’t procrastinate on assignments.
  36. Take fun road trips, plan vacations, spend quality time with friends, plan special events and gifts for people.
  37. Use Google docs to store and back-up all documents, organize pictures.
  38. Random interests: learn how to keep a small indoor garden, learn about a sport or team, find a signature cocktail.
  39. Create a teaching blog.
  40. Have a one-word “theme” for each month

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