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I am a future teacher who values whimsy in the classroom!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Teach Like You Hair’s On Fire: Chapter 3

Teach Like You Hair’s On Fire: Chapter 3
Chapter 3 was all about creating lifelong readers – one of the most important tasks for a teacher, and also one of the most difficult. Rafe believes that teaching students to enjoy reading should be one of our top priorities, and he lays out how to best do so, after first acknowledging that many schools and districts make this nearly impossible, by forcing educators to all teach from the same boring book of stories.
Schools, he explains, focus too much on “fluency, comprehension, and other necessary but deadly dull goals” while they should be focusing on “joy, passion, or excitement.” Students should be shown how much fun reading can be, so that a strong foundation can be developed early on, which will cause them to read throughout their lives.

The best ways to do this are to take students to the library, choose quality literature for them to read, give children books associated with their reading level, lead group discussions, assess appropriately, make the literature relevant, and encourage emotional connections to characters and stories. We need to be careful not to turn students away from books by choosing works above their level and either confusing or embarrassing them. We also need to make sure their reading books that are both entertaining and of quality, so it is important to guide them in this area, while also giving them the freedom to explore their own interests.

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