This year, I've been doing a much better job than usual staying organized. Here are the items I keep in my backpack on a daily basis that help me do that, and also make me happy with their cuteness!
I have 5 classes this semester (well 6, but one is a lab) so I have 1 Lisa Frank notebook for each class! Inside, I used my label maker to put the name of each class. I got all of these on Amazon every time I look at them I smile. Plus, they match my multicolor Lisa Frank pen I talked about earlier;)
Besides those, I also always pack my little "I Did My Best" notebook. I decided this year that I really want to make sure that I'm learning for the sake of learning, and not just passing tests. In this book, I record at least one really interesting thing I learn each day, even on the weekends! They say "you learn something new each day" and I'm hoping that by the end of the year I'll have a whole book of really interesting facts!
Another thing I started doing recently is being more mindful of what I eat. In the little pink notebook with the bow, I record everything I eat, and keep track of how many glasses of water I have each day. I like to keep it with me so I can mark things down right away.
Then there's this cute "things to do" note pad. In class, I often think of things to put on my 'to do' list and write them on lined paper and then forget which notebook they're in. Now, I have this handy notepad so I can keep all my lists in one place!
It's kind of ridiculous how much I love this pencil pouch. It's obvious that it's pretty worn out, but I don't care! The brand is called Paper Doll Mate, which is also the brand of my wallet, which is pretty similar looking!
And of course I also keep my planner in my backpack! (It's hiding under the other notebook since I've shown it before). All of this goes in this darling backpack: