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I am a future teacher who values whimsy in the classroom!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Whimsical Shoes (and Socks!)

Having fun shoes and socks/tights can really set you apart in the eyes of children (and anyone really). When I studied abroad in England, I used to wear cute socks and tights all the time, because it was cold but I hated pants! I was (am) really quiet, so some people only knew me as "the girl with the cute stockings."
like these!

The kids I've worked with in the past have also liked my fun tights, but cute shoes are even more of a hit, especially when they have animals on them!

(The cupcake heels at the end are something I wouldn't wear to teach, but they're great for whimsy on the weekends!) 

Iron Fist Cupcake Heels - www.dollskill.com
Bunny shoes - www.asos.com

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