About Me

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I am a future teacher who values whimsy in the classroom!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


In school, Valentine's Day was always my favorite day of the year. I absolutely loved picking out valentines for everyone in my class, and carefully deciding which design best fit every student. I still love Valentine's Day, and try to make little valentines for my friends ever year, along with my significant other! This year, I couldn't resist getting some of those paper valentines they make for classes, that I used to love so much. I picked  a My Little Pony set, with glitter tattoos! So exciting;)

I also made little gift bags for my roommates and a couple friends with a few of these valentines and tattoos, some cards I made (just by getting blank notecards and decorating them with stickers!), Hello Kitty coloring pages/activity pages with a couple colored pencils, and some assorted sticker sheets.

I love this sort of thing because I've never really grown up, and I like to remind the people in my life how fun it was to be a kid!

I can't wait to have Valentine's Day with my class someday soon. I just know I'm going to go out. (When I observed/helped out a class for one semester, I took notes on each child's interests as I noticed them, and before I left I made each of them a card with pictures and stickers of their favorite characters and activities!)

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