About Me

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I am a future teacher who values whimsy in the classroom!

Monday, January 16, 2017

In Praise of Pastels

As much as I love a good themed outfit, I can also appreciate basics (just as long as those basics aren't too basic). When I try to dress all practical and boring, I tend to get a bit depressed. But when I wear pastel staples I feel both put-together and happy!

My skinny mint cords are from Gap, and my top and sweater are both from Forever 21. My necklace (my one fun piece in this outfit) is a map of the world and was given to me by my best friend! (I'm quite certain she got it at Modcloth) and my matching gold flats are from somewhere I don't remember, but can probably be found just about anywhere;)

I also want to mention that I have gotten much better at my makeup since these were taken;) I don't take enough outfit pictures, but I'm hoping this blog will change that! 

Also - I made an Instagram page! @thewhimsicaleducator :)

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